Summer 2023

  • Published 2023-05-23

With an overall engineering strategy in place, we enter into a detailed design stage considering all of the unique aspects presented by each neighborhood, street, and home that will have an impact on construction needs.

The people of Holland voted to make a community investment in a high-speed fiber optic broadband network that will be available to every address in the city. Holland BPW will build and manage the broadband infrastructure, adding to the backbone fiber network that started 30 years ago.

A new project milestone was accomplished at Holland BPW’s May 22, 2023 board meeting. The board voted to award a design build contract to EX2 Technology for the citywide fiber network construction. This is exciting news that moves the project forward.

The next step is to lean on the expertise of EX2 to engineer a final design of the passing network while maximizing the efficiency of our existing resources. The result will be a design of the network that identifies the various zones that will be constructed throughout the City of Holland. City of Holland residents will be able to sign up for early notifications to know when their local zone is scheduled to be built.

Construction begins this fall. The first service node is expected to go live by the summer of 2024. The entire network is expected to take about two to three years to build.